Today in "Meet Spice" it's time to introduce you SPICE Work Package 2 , whose job is formulating the theoretical framework to apply interpretation and reflection methods for citizen curation. Let's get to know it!
By conceptualizing these methods of interpretation and reflection to support citizen curation as a tool for enabling greater social cohesion, the work in WP2 both serves as the theoretical foundation for SPICE , as well as informing some of the development of the technology in the project.
Through an interdisciplinary approach, we are undertaking a codesign process involving museum professionals and researchers from the cultural heritage domain in order to select the aforementioned methods. Through a similar process, WP2 is connecting and combining these methods and theories, in order to develop effective conceptual approaches to interpretation and reflection for citizen curation. These approaches are then evaluated in workshops with various citizen-groups, in order to determine their efficiency and potential applicability in SPICE.
Based on this selection, development and evaluation, WP2 designs workshop activities, which can serve as primitives for scripts for citizen curation activities to be later customized to the case-studies. In this regard, WP2 has a close connection to the work done in WP7 (Co-design and evaluation of citizen curation activities), in both the co-design process, as well as establishing the relationship between the theoretical framework and the case-studies.
"Currently, we are evaluating an approach that combines Artifact Analysis, Storytelling and Narrative Identity. After conducting an exploratory workshop, we are trying to establish to which extent it could be possible to surmise elements of a person's narrative identity by fictional stories produced by this person, about artifacts which they are experiencing."
Luis Emilio Bruni, Aalborg University Copenhagen
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