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ExICE Conference

ExICe, which stands for Extended Intelligence for Cultural Engagement, is a confernce that will appeal to academics and museum practitioners working in disciplines involving the application of novel ICT to cultural heritage. It will be held in Bologna on March 15th, 2023. ExICE gathers together major EU projects working on the cultural heritage domain.


Andrea Bolioli and Alessio Bosca, together with researchers from the University of Turin, presented the paper “Citizen curation and NLP technologies for museums in the SPICE Project” at the 2021 edition of the AIUCD conference


SPICE researchers will present the paper Towards Advanced Interfaces for Citizen Curation at the Workshop on Advanced Visual Interfaces and Interactions in Cultural Heritage (AVI2CH 2020) in Ischia, Italy - Sept 28-October 2, 2020.

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