Today we want to share with you a very interesting European project, a congress that deals with the theme of museums in the current circumstances and an article. We work together for the social cohesion, participation and inclusion through cultural engagement, that is why we present you every month some recommendations that can help us learn about other projects, read about the topics that interest us and know what is happening in the world around culture and citizenship. We hope it is of your interest!
Through their empowerment, a transformation of communities at risk of exclusion. To achieve that goal, the project will establish an effective collaborative and participatory production workflow for the co-creation and co-design of art representations. Know more about it!
This article presents fourteen original articles that reveal how platformization involves key shifts in practices of labor, creativity, and citizenship. Diverse in their methodological approaches and topical foci, these contributions allow us to see how platformization is unfolding across cultural, geographic, and sectoral-industrial contexts. Read it!
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