SPICE Work Package 4 , coordinated by the Open University, is developing the Linked Data infrastructure to connect cultural objects, collections, and citizen contributions.
In Year 1, WP4 focused on analyzing infrastructure requirements for citizen curation and developed a linked non-Open data infrastructure that allows (a) to streamline the production of linked data from legacy systems; (b) to exchange data between partners / applications; (c) to enable museums to share their data in a controlled environment. The main results are part of Deliverable D4.1 Linked Data server technology: requirements and initial prototype, released in May 2021.
🔸 Journal Article! The team analyzed the requirements of citizen curation in the light of distributed infrastructures for cultural heritage, in an article on the ACM Journal of Computing and Cultural Heritage (JOCCH), currently under review (more info). The article is co-authored by researchers and museum experts of the SPICE consortium and highlights the need for a Linked non-Open Data infrastructure based on an informed, controlled, and agile management of a great variety of digital assets.
🔸 Conference Paper! In addition, WP4 analysed requirements and state of affairs of SPICE museum organizations, uncovering a significant diversity of systems and data formats. This led to the development of a novel approach to Knowledge Graph Construction, which will be presented at the next SEMANTICS conference in Amsterdam.
"The problem of producing RDF Linked Data from legacy sources is at the centre of current research in knowledge graph construction. Typically, transformation to RDF is performed by writing ad-hoc code or using mapping languages which require significant learning efforts. For example, developers need to know XPath if they want to transform an XML file, or JsonPath for JSON, etc… In SPICE, we developed a novel approach that allows to query those resources as-if they were already in RDF! SPARQL Anything is a new project which aims at enabling transparent access to different formats in plain SPARQL. We used SPARQL Anything for building linked data from resources such as Web sites, Web APIS, and CSV files, among others". Enrico Daga
The SPICE Linked Data Hub is the initial prototype of our Linked Data management infrastructure, currently hosting linked data from SPICE museums such as the Irish Museum of Modern Art (IMMA), and the Galleria d'Arte Moderna (GAM) in Turin, as well as other data sources relevant to the project. Data is shielded with secured access control, limited to the partners of the SPICE consortium.
"The SPICE Linked Data Hub provides the data management layer for the IMMA Viewpoints citizen curation application. The work on IMMA Viewpoints demonstrates how a linked non-open data infrastructure can be successfully used to support Citizen Curation as a layer on top of museum collection systems". Paul Mulholland
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