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SPICE RECOMMENDS: Italian case study, research article, workshop

SPICE Case study

Tell us a story: interpret, interact, reflect. Case Study from Italy

Istituto dei Sordi worked the last month with SPICE Researchers at Università di Torino to evaluate the level of explainability, for the deaf community, of the item-emotion association of the DEGARI system. They tested this on museum objects from GAM Torino. Learn more about the case study in Italy

Research Article

Integrating Citizen Experiences in Cultural Heritage Archives: Requirements, State of the Art, and Challenges

New forms of citizen participation in cultural heritage have emerged, producing a wealth of material spanning from visitors’ experiential feedback on exhibitions and cultural artefacts to digitally mediated interactions like the ones happening on social media platforms. Click here to read it!

Workshop Experience

Variety of opinions

SPICE partners University of Haifa organised workshops at the Hecht Museum supporting religious and secular school groups to share and appreciate the variety of opinion in their communities. More info

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