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How to save the animals with which we share the planet


How to save animals

Actively engage with children, including those from lower socio-economic groups, who may not consider science interesting or a career option. Stimulate interaction through activities such as treasure hunts. Share anonymised contributions across groups to explore differences of opinion on biodiversity, and on what individuals can and should do to protect the environment.

What's going on

In the first year of the SPICE project, progress has been made in defining the objectives and the type of interaction suitable for this pilot to be run at the National Museum of Natural Sciences (MNCN) in Madrid, Spain.

In collaboration with the MNCN, which is not a SPICE partner, the script of a trasure hunt has been built and is being developed by PadaOne Games as an app for mobile devices. The first version of this treasure hunt will be tested at the 2021 Science Week in Madrid, an event of popularization of science and citizen participation that offers the public the opportunity to learn about the work of scientists, their research, motivations and efforts.
Click here to find out more

The musem

Visitors to the National Museum of Natural Sciences enjoy their time learning about our planet, about the tremendous diversity it has been home to, from the origin of life to the present.


Complutense University of Madrid

PadaOne Games


National Museum of Natural Sciences, Madrid

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