SPICE UPDATE: Culture to everyone
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 31 Jan 2023
- recommendation
January always starts off with good intentions, but we are here to give you a little push so that these good intentions continue throughout the year. That’s why, in this newsletter, we want to bring you a small sample of this purpose of bringing culture to everyone.
SPICE UPDATE: Autumn Edition
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 01 Dec 2022
- recommentation
We have welcomed Fall 🍂 with an array of very interesting updates we are sure you are going to love. For example, a new museum definition aligned very closely with the objectives in the SPICE Project: developing of tools and methods of citizen curation that support accessibility, inclusivity, diversity, and community participation.
SPICE UPDATE: Museum Week special
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 01 Dec 2022
- museumweek
Welcome to our monthly update of SPICE Project news and recommendations. Before you head off for vacation, check out these highlights from #MuseumWeek2022.
SPICE RECOMMENDS: Italian case study, research article, workshop
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 29 Mar 2022
- recommentation
SPICE Case study
SPICE MEETS: Special update about the advances in Work Package 1
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 29 Mar 2022
- WP1
ONE YEAR OF SPICE: Work Package 1
Meet SPICE Work Packages: Distributed Linked Data Social Media Layer - First year results!
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 30 Sep 2021
- WP4
SPICE Work Package 4 , coordinated by the Open University, is developing the Linked Data infrastructure to connect cultural objects, collections, and citizen contributions.
SPICE RECOMMENDS 5: Project, article, and event
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 29 Sep 2021
- recommentation
Summer is coming and we bring fresh news for the month: a survey in order to know your perspectives on the main topics of SPICE, an article on Citizen Curators and an event in the city of Helsinki.
Meet SPICE Work Packages: Modelling and Recommendation
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 28 Sep 2021
- WP3
Today it's time to introduce you to SPICE Work Package 3: Modelling and recommendation , whose main objective is analysis of citizen curation activities , development of tools for semi-automated semantic annotation of curatorial products and development of tools to support the exploration of users' interpretations on museum objects.
SPICE Mini-conference II: Methodologies to connect with citizens
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 22 Jun 2021
- WP2, miniconference
On March 23, the second SPICE mini-conference took place in which methodologies would be established to connect culture with citizens. The all-day session was conducted by Work Package 2 (Citizen curation methods) and Work Package 5 (Interface design) as well as co-designed by Work Package 7 (Codesign and evaluation of citizen curation activities).
Get to know the museums participating at SPICE during Museum Week 2021
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 04 Jun 2021
- museumweek
During next week, from June 7 to 13, and as part of the Museum Week 2021, we want to introduce our followers to the different museums participating in SPICE. In this sense, through a series of scheduled posts shared daily by SPICE social media accounts (Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn), we will disseminate interesting information about our museums, their collection and the case studies being developed within SPICE in each of them.
Do you want to know them? Keep reading!
SPICE RECOMMENDS 4: Projects, tools, and articles
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 15 Apr 2021
- recommentation
Today we want to share with you a very interesting European project, a congress that deals with the theme of museums in the current circumstances and an article. We work together for the social cohesion, participation and inclusion through cultural engagement, that is why we present you every month some recommendations that can help us learn about other projects, read about the topics that interest us and know what is happening in the world around culture and citizenship. We hope it is of your interest!
SPICE RECOMMENDS: Webinars, tools, and articles
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 08 Mar 2021
- recommendation
Do you want to know more about citizen curation? Do you want to know what is being done around the world to foster participation in the heritage domain? Do you need more sources to inspire you or new tools to work with? So, don't miss these recommendations!
Meet SPICE Work Packages: Integrating Systems for Citizen Curation
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 08 Mar 2021
- WP6
Let's get to know it! Today in "Meet Spice", following on the objectives and relations of SPICE Work Packages, it is time to know about SPICE Work Package 6: Integrating Systems.
Meet SPICE Work Packages: Development of citizen curation methods
- Sartini, Bruno
- 09 Feb 2021
- WP2
Today in "Meet Spice" it's time to introduce you SPICE Work Package 2 , whose job is formulating the theoretical framework to apply interpretation and reflection methods for citizen curation. Let's get to know it!
From case studies to real solutions and protocols in SPICE Project
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 22 Jan 2021
- WP7
In SPICE we are endeavouring to create new tools and methods which help European citizens to interpret culture and tell their own stories.
Meet SPICE Work Packages : SPICE Linked Data Hub
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 03 Dec 2020
- WP4
It's time to know the objectives and relations of SPICE Work Packages and this time is for SPICE Work Package 4. SPICE WP4 is developing the Linked Data infrastructure to connect cultural objects, collections, and citizen contributions.
SPICE starts new activities with mini-conferences on culture interpretation and curation methods
- Laseca, Guillermo
- 29 Oct 2020
- miniconference
On October 29, we will hold the first of many future conferences and webinars to reflect on Citizen curation methods and develop a set of evaluation protocols to establish in the project’s case studies. This post serves as an introduction to start talking about our activities and we are more than happy to get as many people interested in participating in the event as possible, so share this content on your social networks and join us this Thursday. Once the mini-conference is over, a post with the main conclusions will be shared through our social media.
SPICE at Aalto University
- Sartini, Bruno
- 27 Sep 2020
- externalarticle
A short project description with a focus on the activities of WP7.
SPICE website online!
- Daquino, Marilena
- 26 Jun 2020
SPICE project kicked off 1 May 2020 and we set up the project website as a first step to communicate with interested parties our progresses! We will soon have accounts on some of the most popular social network platforms, like Instagram, Twitter, and Linkedin. Stay tuned!
- Daquino, Marilena
- 26 Jun 2020
- externalarticle
A short project description and the profiles of our researchers working on SPICE at the Knowledge Media Institute (Open University, UK).